• 10 декабря 2018, понедельник
  • Казань, Пушкина, 42

Universal Declaration of Human Rights 70th anniversary

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Институт международных отношений, КФУ
2235 дней назад
10 декабря 2018 c 14:30 до 16:00
Пушкина, 42

To highlight what the Universal Declaration means for people in their everyday lives, Kazan University is celebrating Declaration’s 70th anniversary on the day of December, 10th 2018.

Thanks to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and States’ commitments to its principles, the dignity of millions has been uplifted, untold human suffering prevented and the foundations for a most just world have been laid. While its promise is yet to be fulfilled, the very fact that it has stood the test of time is testament to the enduring universality of its perennial values of equality, justice and human dignity.

To highlight what the Universal Declaration means for people in their everyday lives, Kazan University is celebrating Declaration’s 70th anniversary on the day of December, 10th 2018.

We are all equal in dignity and rights. The campaign has three core objectives: to promote, engage and reflect. Our aim is to engage a broad base of audiences the world over; to help promote understanding of how the Universal Declaration empowers us all; and encourage further reflection on the ways that each of us can stand up for rights, every day.

The anniversary is a chance for the world to celebrate the gift of the Universal Declaration and to help reaffirm the enduring human rights principles and standards it has helped establish.


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